I Love History 1900’s – “Light of the World” — 10 Teacher Manuals

Associated course will appear here when connected.
Ten Teacher Manuals cover the twentieth century --1900's.  Each manual is about 100 pages, divided into world history, American history and the expansion of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. *

This is the period of time when the country literally explodes with knowledge and invention, exploration and technology. At this time, America is in its height of prosperity, even after having suffered through two world wars and the Great Depression.

The lessons of the 1900’s are organized into decades, and some instructors will have many memories to share with the students, as well as extraordinary current events to talk about.

The material is divided into three parts —

  • World History
  • American History
  • Religious History.(with an emphasis on the growth and expansion of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints during the 1900s)*

Each decade is taught for approximately two weeks.

A timeline will be most helpful for this year, so the students can see where they are in the history of the whole world. They will see how privileged they are to be living in the world today.

The Companion to the Teacher Manuals is the I Love History 1900’s – Light of the World Student Workbook

* Those not of the LDS faith can teach the history and doctrine of their own religion, using their own knowledge and many resources available via the internet.
