Welcome to Registration
Register for Core Classes, bundle to save, or pick which ones you want to attend,
& add electives as desired!
Core Classes
You can select individual classes by clicking on them in the schedule below, then click the Sign up Now button.
You can also bundle all the core classes for just $345 per month per family, including Junior A, Junior B, Senior, and Adults. Bundling the core classes does not mean you have to attend every class; you can choose to attend any Core class according to your own schedule. Three ways to pay.
Pay in Advance : Get 1 month free by paying for the year in advance! $2760.00 (tuition is non refundable)
Pay month to month for 9 months: $345.00 (you may cancel anytime past tuition payments are nonrefundable.)
Stretch your tuition over 12 months: $258.75 ($3105 divided over the year to lower payments and make budgeting easier. This is especially nice for returning families.) terms and conditions apply (This reduced monthly amount is due for a full twelve months and is nonrefundable. If your family leaves school early there will be a final bill to reconcile the difference between actual tuition and the reduced stretch amount.)
Core Classes and a-la-carte are $60 per course, per month.
Electives classes are $30 per course per month.
For those who pay for core in full or in a bundle, the electives are reduced to $10 per course, per month. No charge for Bible stories, Graduation Prep, and Foriegn Languages.
All tuition payments are due by the 1st of each month, for that month. Late on the 10th. Other payment dates can be accomodated on case by case basis, contact the administration for help.
Classes will be 50 minutes long, and begin on the hour.
2024-2025 Schedule for Bundled Course Options
Important: It is very important that parents have completed the Parent Basic Training. We have found students whose family has completed the Parent Basic Training are significantly more successful than those who do not, making it the most important pre-requisite for Kimber Academy students. New students will receive a manual upon completing registration, and the videos are available online for free.