- Please use a name on Zoom that we can identify you with, specifically the students’ names.
- An appropriate name would be “Nathan (Nate)” or “Nathan & Lisa”
- “SpiderMonkey88” does not let us and the other students know who you are
- Because your camera will be on for most of the meeting:
- Please wear Kimber Academy appropriate attire.
- Please stay in classroom-appropriate locations in your home.
- Please refrain from distracting activities, such as eating or moving around during class.
- We will give you time to socialize and make friends, that is a very important part of education and growth! But during class time, please keep discussion (including chats) with other students relevant to the class subject.
- Similarly, please keep comments relevant to the class subject.
In short, imagine this is classroom. Things that can distract others in the classroom can be equally distracting online.