Why Does Jesus Love Me

by Lily - age 11

Why would Jesus love a soul

 So rude and proud as mine?

Why would he want one like me

In his kingdom divine?

Why would he suffer for me,

So that I could repent,

When every day again I’ll sin,

Until my life is spent?

Why would Jesus love me when

I have so many flaws;

Why would he still love me e’en

When I don’t heed his laws?

When our lord sent us here to earth,

He gave us work to do

He knew we’d make mistakes at times,

E’en if those times weren’t few.

Regardless of what choice we make,

We’re still each one His child,

And though sometimes we choose the wrong,

His love is still so mild.

So if you’re having a hard time,

And you can’t feel his love,

Remember, you can talk to Him,

He’ll hear you, up above.


by Lily Martin, age 11


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