The Ten Silver Coins

by Aubbri - age 14

It was a sunny evening in the middle of June and I was counting my life savings which I found consisted of ten silver coins. I counted over them again to be sure there was ten. I was delighted to discover there were ten.

I had spent the past year weaving cloth to sell to merchants who came to my home city, Jerusalem. Realizing that the sun was low in the sky I hurriedly put all of my coins in the green cloth pouch I had made and rushed to make dinner.

Later that evening I counted my coins again before putting them away in a safe place. To my dismay I realized I only had nine in the bag. I practically tore the house apart looking for it. I had no luck in finding it, so in despair I slowly dragged myself to my bed. Before going to sleep I glanced over the room once more hoping to catch a glimpse of my precious coin.

It was then that I noticed a hole in the floorboards close to where I had counted my coins earlier. I threw the covers off of me and looked down the hole.In it I saw the lost coin! I was not able to reach it through the hole so I got my broom and pried the floorboard from its place.

I was overjoyed to finally have the my lost coin back. Going to bed was not an option. I awoke my family and joyously told them my lost coin had been found.

(By Aubbri — an exercise for writing in first person)

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