An excerpt from a story. (An excersise on showing what happens)

by Ani - age 15

The girl timidly opens the door. Standing in the doorway is an old hag. An odorous stench wafts from the old woman, slightly resembling sour milk. The old lady explains in a scratchy voice that she is selling apples. A small voice in the girl’s head tells her not to trust the old hag. But she looks into the wicker basket and sees perfectly round, lusciously red, and positively shiny apples. She watches, almost as if hypnotized, as her small hand reaches towards the apples. She physically tries to pull her hand back to her side, but her body won’t respond. The next thing she knows, a dark red apple is in her hand. She struggles as her hand lifts to her mouth and she opens her mouth. The old lady all the while is watching with a smug, and satisfied smile. The girl bites into the apple with a loud crunch. Sweet juice fills her mouth and she swallows. As soon as she does so, she finds she cannot draw breath. Her hands fly to her throat and black dots start to swim in her vision. The next thing she knows is the black of oblivion.

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