Student Blog
Welcome to our student contribution section!
Two integral parts of the Kimber Curriculum is practicing what we learn, and that we learn best when we share. Below you will find articles, research papers, photography projects, video projects, and music compositions that our students have contributed. Thank you for letting us share our talents with you!
Students, please remember not to share private information online. Thank you.
The Luck Penny Predicament
I woke up one morning and started to look for the penny I had lost the previous day, my lucky penny. I searched left and right, up and down, on top of things and under things, when I was done turning my room upside down I went down stairs, sad that I didn’t find my lucky penny. My mom asked, “Why are you so sad?” “I could not find my
Just For Fun
I tell this story,in all my glory… That morning I woke up just for fun, I woke that morning for fun, just fun. And then I went for a long, long run, a long, long run I went on for fun. And then that day I bought a gun, That day for fun I bought a gun. That morning I shot that gun for fun, just for fun, I shot
A Poem about guns
22 long the one that hooked you on. 17 bolt the one that shot the wolf. 9mill the one that took the deal. 44that shot down the door. That gold 45 colt as I racked the bolt. 223 and 556 the one that picked up sticks. 4-10 and a 12 gadge got him out of the cage. 6.5 creedmore that helps me eat more. Russian Nugan to mow my lawn.
Snowflakes passing all around, Soon they fall to the ground, Shimmery, white, innocent flakes, Pass over mountains, rivers, and lakes. The day of the snowfall finally begins, You are no longer stepping on pine needles and pins Because now everything is covered in white, Up to your knees, it’s a beautiful sight!

I have found much joy in serving and I will somehow find ways, all the time, to serve, like mowing my neighbors lawn when they moved in. It was so long that I had to go over it 3 times or feeding my neighbor’s dog or helping older people at Costco put groceries in her car. One time I saw this lady with a whole pallet of creamies, I helped

My Talk On The Holy Ghost
Recently I gave a talk on the holy ghost at my younger brothers baptism. I find it to be one of the most important things I have done in this life. My Talk On The Holy Ghost After you are baptized you will be confirmed. That is when you receive the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is like a friend that wants to help you. Even when you are older

Siezing the Day
The days fly by and then they’re gone, When you wake up it’s already dawn, Today holds excitement, fun, and dreams, Where every hour holds many themes. You seize the day and don’t make a waste, Go where every excitement is placed, So rewrite everything that was erased, And rewrite the stories without haste. Math can be hard, but it can be a thrill, To get the right
Subtraction, addition, multiplication, division. I don’t like math and don’t quite know the reason. I like numbers and letters, not spelling not adding. Wait a minute what did you say, numbers and letters are in math today. Well then, there’s only one thing to say, I like math and that’s starting today.
I planted a seed in my garden, but I think the ground is really hardened. I planted a seed in my hair, but I was supposed to plant it over there. I planted a seed in my hand, but now they’re scattered all over the land I planted a seed in my house, but it was stolen by a mouse. I planted some seeds in some chair’s , but I

Jesus’s last week before his death
Jesus’s last week before his death It was Jesus Christ’s last week on the earth. Jesus made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem at the beginning of the last week of His life. This day was called ” Palm Sunday.” He rode into Jerusalem on a small white colt. The way that he got this colt was when he asked his apostles to go out to a farmer and ask to