Starting September 3, 2013
Family Distance Learning
It is our great desire to have a part of the Kimber Academy classroom experience available to ALL families regardless of distance from any of our full featured academies.
Family Distance Learning is a way to invite Dr. Glenn J Kimber and his class into your home, streaming live over the internet three days a week, four hours a day. This unique learning method is now available online. For a nominal enrollment fee and low monthly payments, you can access:
- Live Streaming Video
- Parent Training Resources
- Personal counseling available at any local academy (at a discounted price)
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Attend a Local Academy
Students attend a local academy with other students four hours a day for three days of the week. For more details see: "In The Classroom."
The cost of attending Kimber Academy is very affordable. Monthly tuition is approximately $300 per student. Each Academy administrator determines the tuition cost for their local academy.
Ask about yearly discount rates. To find out the tuition at the Academy in your area, see "Academy Locations."
Curriculum Only
Many parents have chosen to do their home schooling with the Kimber curriculum. It is designed for home use and also for the classrooms at the Academies. Many parents have written success stories about the use of the Kimber curriculum in their homes. One mother wrote:
"I believe Kimber Academy provides the best of everything. It not only teaches the core academics, but adds the reasoning of why we should learn them. It gives parents the time to add to the curriculum so that their children receive a well-rounded education that meets the criteria required for homeschoolers. It provides a social environment where friendships can be made and activities can be enjoyed by families and others. It gives to the communities because students learn to give back through services extended to individuals living within those communities. It's a win-win situation." (Riverton, Utah)
Textbook Publishers is the official publishing company for the Kimber Curriculum. Customers can select individual guidebooks or complete packages from the website