Losing Oneself in Service Vol 1 – 3

Service is the key to excelling in Language Arts.  Students of this age group will normally complete one principle a week and then use that principle in some kind of service, using their talents in writing, reading, drama, art, and other creativity such as poetry and music.  Language Arts then becomes a subject for perfecting grammar, punctuation, capitalization and sentence structure as students present their service projects.  Some time is spent in each class on learning or perfecting cursive writing skills.

$30.00 / month

If you register before school begins, there is a free trial included, where you can access previously recorded classes.

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Core Classes:

Using the principles as the foundation, the student has 3 Learning Exercises to complete each week:

  1. With Learning Exercise #1 the student practices writing examples of the principle in their Language Arts journal.
  2. With Learning Exercise #2, the student finds an example of that principle in the scriptures and writes it in their Language Arts journal.
  3. With Learning Exercise #3, the student is given ideas for using that principle in academic service.
