Faith in Every Footstep 1800’s

The years during the 1700s are full of exciting events!  America struggled for freedom for many years before it became the most powerful nation on earth.  The heroic actions of our Founding Fathers made that happen, and this course presents their lives and the struggle.  Students learn history as well as patriotism as they study these amazing years and witness the miracle that made our country great.

$30.00 / month

If you register before school begins, there is a free trial included, where you can access previously recorded classes.

Or access courses from within a bundled option of

Core Classes:

This student workbook is a companion to the ten Teacher Manuals — I Love History — 1800s “Faith in Every Footstep.”  The workbook has activities, projects and information taught in the Teacher Manuals.  Over 200 pages.

As with the Teacher Manuals, the workbook is divided into three parts:  World History, American History, and History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which was organized in 1830.

Families not of the LDS faith are free to study the history, development and doctrine of their own religion during the third series of lessons.
