
Join the exciting movement growing across our nation to restore God back into every facet of life and restore freedom and prosperity. That movement starts at home. It starts when each one of us makes the choice to learn more and share the message of freedom with our families, friends and neighbors.

What can I do?

Attend a Glenn J. Kimber Academy in your area:

  • Start Here – Learn why and how we do what we do.
  • Locations – Register your child with one of our Academies in your area.
  • Programs: Choose from one of our educational models:
    • Local Academy
    • Distance Learning (through a local academy)
    • Curriculum Only
  • Start an Academy in your area: Get Started

Join the Movement

1. Learn More about Principles of Freedom

The Thomas Jefferson Center for Constitutional Restoration (TJC) – is dedicated to the restoration of the Constitution and the Healing of America in the tradition of the Founding Fathers. TJC offers live seminars, books, home tutoring, media, and more. (Healing of America Seminars)

Restoration Generation – This organization gathers youth and young adults who have a love of liberty, a sense of responsibility, and a desire to work in reinstating God, family and love of country into our society. Our mission is to support and train other youth in America to stand out and lead… <more>

Textbook Publishing – This company is the home of the Kimber Curriculum. Many textbooks, teachers, and parents try to do too much for the student. Students, in fact, are frequently over-curriculumized and over directed. The textbooks published by Textbook Publishing are guidebooks to help students develop life-time talents while they learn. Students create their own workbooks and texts, thus learning exponentially more than if they simply read a book to pass a test.

Other Recommended Institutions

Eagle Forum – Grass roots at its best. Join an informed and dedicated group of people monitoring and taking action on political events, making transparency a reality for many things.

Home Makers for America – The purpose of Home Makers for America is to teach families how to nurture a love and understanding of liberty within their own homes. <more>


2. Share your Skills & Talents

Some Ideas
  • Help grass roots movement to pass legislation to free up tax money that goes to public schools to go to your own institution of choice (see Arizona’s current Laws)
  • Teach a class or subject
  • Share at a Spirit Day (An hour on spiritual topics, and/or one academic topic per month)
  • Teach or train Seminars for TJC (Thomas Jefferson Center)
  • Start up a Kimber Academy in your area
  • Help finance any Kimber Academy
  • Provide scholarships for students
  • Finish or subsidize a building
  • Donate needs in the classrooms
  • Provide Furnishings (each school has a list of items they wish for)
  • Donate or loan needed equipment
  • Be creative…How can you help in other ways?

3. Financial Support

Give a Gift

Contact us about how you would like to help:

[contact-form to=’[email protected]’ subject=’Join: I want to Contribute’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’How I want to Help’ type=’select’ options=’Financial Donation,Contact me,I have Skills,I have an Item(s) to donate’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

4. Continue to petition God to help all of us heal America (and the world)

  • That we may awake and recognize our current situation and resist complacency and idleness.
  • That our leaders will have the courage to make the right choices, and that we will have the integrity to remove those who do not.
  • That we will be worthy of God’s protection and deliverance, and be filled with hope.

