Does Your Child Need to Detox
New Kimber Academy students, coming from public school, may need to detoxify from:
- Poor behavior and undisciplined, or examples of such
- Sloppy work, poor handwriting, poor spelling and grammar
- Tendency to do their work too fast without regard to neatness
- Inability to think (followers, not doers)
- Teasing other students, putting them down, bullying
- Talking during lecture time
- Disrespect for adults/teachers/other students
- Lying, cheating, stealing
- Don’t understand what it means to “learn by the Spirit”
- Regimented time schedule
- Bells
- Grades on work (A, B, C, D, Failing)
- School grade levels (first grade, second grade…ninth grade, tenth grade, etc.)
- Homework
- Recess
- Long days at school
- Little or no parent involvement at school
- Fear at school (bullying)
- Intimidation at school
- Feeling unimportant
- Bad language
- Math and science being more important than language arts and history
- No religious teachings at school
- An I-don’t-care attitude
In other words: Babylon