Junior B and Senior Math Google Classrooms

Distance Learning Corner > Announcements > Junior B and Senior Math Google Classrooms

Hello, Parents!

For the Junior B and Senior math classes, we will be covering a lot of ground in a short amount of time. So to keep everything organized, I have created Google Classrooms for each class. If you can, please make sure you and/or your student have a working Google account (Gmail address) and then join the classroom by clicking the corresponding link(s) below.

Since we don’t have graded assignments, this system is primarily a file and lesson organizer. The page that you will be in the most is the “Classwork” tab, as that is the page where every document, slide deck, survey, worksheet, website links, YouTube videos, etc. will be organized. The Classrooms and files will be updated DAILY, so get into a habit of checking in to this/these Classroom(s) regularly. This system will be especially helpful whenever your students miss class.

If you need a video tutorial, I will create one in the coming days and post it to Signal. Please make sure you are connected to the Junior B Class group text here and the Senior Class group text here. Mahalo!

~Sis. Langi

Junior B Math – https://classroom.google.com/c/NzA1MzIwMTIyMzM4?cjc=fdea2st

Senior Math – https://classroom.google.com/c/NzA1MzIwMDk1Mjk5?cjc=tzunqdn

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