
Accreditation and College Entrance

One of the most frequently asked questions by parents pertains to whether or not Glenn J. Kimber Academies are accredited private schools, and how their students can get to college.   Kimber Academies are not accredited.  In years past, most colleges required students to complete accredited class work in a number of academic fields before they could enter college.  In more recent years, this policy has changed as more and more schools have given passing grades to students based on attendance, rather than how well they know the material.

To enter most colleges and universities today, students are admitted on the basis of their SAT or ACT scores.  When students have attended accredited High Schools, their course GPA must be submitted along with their ACT/SAT score.  If credits and scores are high enough, the student is admitted.  However, if students have not attended accredited schools, they are admitted as “Non-Traditional Students,” based on their test scores.

There are at least three different ways Non-Traditional Students are allowed entrance into colleges and/or universities:

Admission Based On GED/ACT Scores

Prospective students may be considered for admission based on an acceptable score on both the ACT (American College Test) and the GED (General Educational Development test).  Acceptable generally means a score of 60 or higher on the GED and an ACT composite score equal to the average for entering freshmen at a particular school.

Early Admissions

Most colleges and universities have a policy which allows a student to be admitted before their high school class graduates.  The policy varies by institution, but usually a grade point average above 3.20 is required, as well as an ACT composite score equal to or above the average ACT scores for entering freshmen.

Transfer Credits Taken Through Extension, Continuing Education, Or Independent Studies Programs

Most institutions will admit students to these programs as Non-matriculated students (eligible for graduation) without official transcripts or test scores.  Students who choose to become matriculated may be accepted as a student upon completion of a minimum of 24 college semester credits with a GPA of approximately 3.00.

At Kimber Academy, students are tested three times a year.  From the diagnostic test scores, Kimber Academy personnel can generally tell when a student is academically ready to start taking university independent study in a particular subject, regardless of age.

Inasmuch as most students are academically ready in some subjects before they are ready in all subjects, this testing system allows students to begin their college work as soon as they can while they are still attending their basic high school classes at the Academy.  A score of 60 or higher in every subject of a general unit, usually qualifies a student for independent study.

In the general unit of Math, for example, the student must also score 60 or higher in each specific subject (numeration, fractions, decimals, statistics, algebra, etc.).

These options represent avenues to be explored which lead to college/university matriculation.  Students should check with the Admissions Officer of the school(s) in which they are interested.
